QR Code Scanner & Barcode Scanner 2020


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Item Description

QR Code & Barcode Scanner 2020 helps you scan any barcode, QR code to get more detailed information about the product, including results from popular online services such as Amazon, eBay and Google…

Besides QR Code & Barcode Scanner 2020 also allows you to create barcodes, create QR codes easily, with categories: product code, image, text, URL, website, contact, phone, calendar , email, message, Wi-Fi, ..

QR Code Scanner & Barcode Scanner 2020

Item Description

QR Code & Barcode Scanner 2020 helps you scan any barcode, QR code to get more detailed information about the product, including results from popular online services such as Amazon, eBay and Google…

Besides QR Code & Barcode Scanner 2020 also allows you to create barcodes, create QR codes easily, with categories: product code, image, text, URL, website, contact, phone, calendar , email, message, Wi-Fi, ..


  • Free support
  • Future product updates
  • Quality checked by Codelug
  • Lowest price guarantee

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Category App Templates / Android
First Release 11 May 2022
Last updated 14 May 2022
Platforms Android 4.1.x, Android 4.4, Android 5.0, Android 7.0, Android 8.0
Frameworks Android