Knife Legends


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Pick up blades and navigate your way across this blades game to crush your opponents and collect blades
The more blades you collect, the better are your chances to strike your opponents with greater force.

How to play : Hold & drag to move and attack of other players!

apk demo:


Features of
Nice UI/UX
Collect blades and grow more powerful
Challenging game play
Dozen of knife & heroes to unlock master.
Daily rewards
Save high scores
Integrating Admob and Unity ads.

Knife Legends


Pick up blades and navigate your way across this blades game to crush your opponents and collect blades
The more blades you collect, the better are your chances to strike your opponents with greater force.

How to play : Hold & drag to move and attack of other players!

apk demo:


Features of
Nice UI/UX
Collect blades and grow more powerful
Challenging game play
Dozen of knife & heroes to unlock master.
Daily rewards
Save high scores
Integrating Admob and Unity ads.


  • Free support
  • Future product updates
  • Quality checked by Codelug
  • Lowest price guarantee

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